Community tools

WAX Refund


Retrieval tool that checks your wallet and shows you how much RAM you have in each of your collections for drops on Atomichub. It also let's you retrieve that WAX to your wallet.

Who should use it?

Any collection owners that used to do drops on Atomichub, but now drop on another site.


WAX DAO tool


Scan tool that looks into your wallet and makes a list of NFTs elligible for staking on WAX DAO farms.

Who should use it?



Dungeon Master sets tool


Dungeon Master has some early game rope missions that ask you to change clothes of different rarities. This tool lets you have 1 favorite set and automatic sets for each rarity that come from your scanned wallet and staked dungeon items.

Who should use it?

Wombats that want a quick change of clothes.


WAX Music tool


Music player that scans your wallet and makes a playlist of your sound NFTs.

Who should use it?



NFT viewer tool


This one is a little tricky XD. It's an NFT 3D visualizer that gets 2 IPFS from the URL you write and shows them in 3D.

Who should use it?

Everyone with knowledge of IPFS links, regardless of the blockchain.

Supports jpeg, png, mp4 and gif.

Link examples

No back or front IPFS. A vanilla viewer with 1 RAWR! default NFT IPFS on each side.
The same front and back IPFS of a Ducking Fuzz NFT.
Funko NFT with different back an front IPFS.

Why can this be simpler?

Because the NFT attributes are very diverse. Not all NFTs have back images and some NFTs even don't use front ones. In general, there is no naming convention for NFT attribute.

Can i get a little help, pretty please?

Sure. Fill the form bellow and press Generate Link. A link will be shown bellow the button.


WAX Referral links tool


With the rise of marketplaces came competition. And with it came referral links. These are links that share the revenue of a drop sale with an account.

This tool lists drops on NFTHive and NeftyBlocks that are able to make referral links.

Who should use it?

Everyone. Refer to each page instructions on how to do links. This only serves as a centralized list. Some drops require you to be part of a whitelist so be warned. Good luck!
