Game mode

Let the party started

Giveaway bots will be a party game at heart. Players will be able to get into rooms with other fellow bots and participate in mini games to earn a Giveaway (A present box). The player that first gathers 10 Giveaways will win the game, earn a prize in game token and sum to the faction wins (See Mining mode).

Important: You need a Giveaway Bot NFT to participate in games.

Drop: Get one here.

Whitelist: Have 10 rawrtrading1 in your wallet.

The game loop

a. Prep phase: Players will enter a waiting room with a non ready state.

a.1. Players can select Booster cards from their WAX wallet to add to their game set wallets.

a.2. Players select to be in a ready state.

b. Game phase: The game set begins. The order of the players' turns is randomized.

b.2. Players will receive a prize in game token ($GIFT) and the winner sums a point to the faction wins. Final score is calculated by the number of presents and coins they have at the end. Presents are more valuable than coins so be on the lookout.

The game set loop

a. Boost phase: The player can select one card from the game set wallet. This effect will last through the current turn. The card is burned.

b. Advance phase: The player throws a dice and advances through the game board.

b.1. The player lands on a board spot that can add or subtract coins.

b.2. The player may encounter events along the way like traps, shortcuts and presents.

c. Mini game phase: Mini games sum coins to the winner depending on the mini game outcome. If applicable, a boost card may change the outcome of this phase.

d. If a player gets to 10 Giveaway boxes, the game ends . If not, go to a.

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